Docenti di Lingua Inglese

Azienda: Speexx Digital Publishing
Data annuncio: 07/12/2019
Sede di lavoro: Verona
Speexx Italia, società leader nella formazione linguistica aziendale, ricerca docenti di lingua inglese per corsi aziendali a Sommacampagna.

Si richiede:
- Livello madrelingua o equivalente;
- Certificazione per l’insegnamento;
- Esperienza di almeno 3 anni di insegnamento in contesti aziendali medio-grandi.

Si offre:
- Inserimento in un team internazionale e dinamico;
- Formazione continua;
- Accesso a materiali didattici;
- Contratto di collaborazione freelance.

Completano il profilo standing adeguato al lavoro con il pubblico.
I corsi si svolgeranno presso le nostre aziende clienti presenti sul territorio.

Inviaci la tua candidatura!
In caso il tuo profilo risultasse in linea con i nostri requisiti, ti contatteremo per concordare un colloquio conoscitivo!


Are you an experienced and certified face to face language trainer? Fancy joining a fresh and dynamic team? Speexx Italia welcomes you on board!
Face to Face Language Trainer
As a Speexx trainer, you not only learn and grow with us, but you also help us shape the future of learning. Yes, we do value your insight and have the tools and channels to funnel it into constructive action. Your Speexx training world is fast-paced, demanding AND rewarding! Reap the benefits of openly sharing and receiving among your professional peers

• You love language teaching!
• You have a native speaking level of the language you teach
• You are certified as a teacher of your native language for non-native speakers
• You are experienced teaching language in a corporate environment (minimum 2 years)
• You have a good level of PC knowledge
• You care of good manners and flexibility!

• Free language courses (no kidding)
• Flexible working hours with a great balance between work and personal time
• Room for creativity and responsibility in a brilliant and friendly international team
• Opportunities for further learning and career development
• Creation of didactic content
• Reliable and competitive salary policy

If you’re interested, send us your application
Candidati per questo lavoro